Containers for Container Gardening

containers for Container Gardening

One of the most exciting aspects of container gardening is the huge number of container options available to suit your gardening needs. Almost any type of container can be used for gardening as long as it large enough and provides for adequate drainage. You can choose from sleek ready-made container gardens, re-purpose an existing container, or make your own from various materials such as wood or concrete. Look for containers that are:

  • Large enough to sustain the plants you are trying to grow;
  • Offer good drainage; and
  • Are appropriate for your gardening space.

The material that containers are made of plays an important role in the rate at which water evaporated from the soil or other medium that sustains your plants. Containers typically fall into two categories: porous and non-porous.

Plastic, metal, glass and glazed ceramic containers are non-porous and are great for outdoor use because they slow the rate at which water will evaporate from the container. This means that your plants will have more consistent access to moisture, and you will have to water them less often. In addition, non-porous containers can be left outdoors over winter because they don’t absorb water and are therefore less likely to crack when temperatures dip below freezing.

Porous containers, such as those made of clay, fabric and wood, are all popular options but do require a little extra care. They’re not as good at slowing evaporation and as a result require more frequent watering. Since they do absorb water, it is better not to leave them outdoors over winter in colder zones where temperatures dip below freezing.

If you do decide to go with a wooden container, stay away from pressure-treated lumber; it is impregnated with toxic chemicals which are likely to leach into the soil, and can be absorbed by plants. The same can be said for shipping crates, which are often used to make small vertical gardens. Safer options include redwood and red cedar, both of which are naturally water resistant and make an excellent choice for container gardening. Other types of wood may also be used, but should be sealed or lined with plastic in order to decrease evaporation and prevent the wood from rotting.

One of the main advantages of using containers specifically designed for container gardening is that they provide handy features that are not otherwise available in conventional pots. Many solutions are mobile so they can be taken indoors during the colder months, or moved around to receive maximum sunlight. Self-watering and wicking containers, which help to reduce the evaporation of water, are also widely available. Elevated gardens are easier on the knees and back and are generally more enjoyable to use. They’re also an excellent choice for decks and balconies where railings screen out the sun. Vertical and hanging planters are great for making better use of space and can be used to grow many plants upside-down. The images below depict some of the many different options available today.

containers for Container Gardening Regular Plant Pot
Regular Plant Pot
containers for Container Gardening Buckets
containers for Container Gardening Container Garden Planter
Garden Planter
containers for Container Gardening Hanging Garden
Hanging Garden
containers for Container Gardening Elevated Garden
Elevated Garden
containers for Container Gardening Mini Elevated Garden
Mini Elevated Garden
containers for Container Gardening Mobile Garden
Mobile Garden
containers for Container Gardening Mini Mobile Garden
Mini Mobile Garden