Summer brings the glory of the dahlias that vary in size from miniature to dinner plate. Gladioli and lilies bloom at this time, as do the tuberous begonias. The begonias need a shady spot. Other popular summer bloomers are cannas, colocasia (elephant ear), nerine, and ranunculus.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
ROSE FORM | Pink, scarlet, white, yellow, apricot, peach, rose, salmon Picottee: Yellow with red edge, white & pink, white & bright red | 4”-5” | 14”- 18” | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Double flowers similar in shape to camelia or rose blossoms. |
HANGING BASKET | Copper, orange, pink, red, rose, white, yellow, white/pink, yellow/red | 3”-4” | na | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Fully double flowers Bright non-fading colors Plant in partial to full shade. |
NON- STOP | Copper, pink, red, yellow, white floweryellow/red, apricot | 2.5” | 8”-12” | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Continuous bloom; early flowering. Excellent for window boxes, patios, and low borders. |
CRISPA | Red/white, red/yellow | 3” | 12”- 18” | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Large single flowers with frilled, ruffled edges of a different color. |
CAMELLIA | Scarlet, yellow, pink, white | 3” | 12”- 18” | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Bright, clear colors. Beautiful flower form. |
RUFFLED CAMELIA | White, copper, pink, yellow, orange, red Picottee:Cream/apricot, white/ red, white/pink, yellow/red | 3” | 12”- 18” | Concave side up just below the surface 6”-12” apart | Unusual fringed flower petals. Large, even blooms. |

Decorative Dahlias: Good Garden Display; Excellent Cut Flowers.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Arabian Night | Deep burgundy | 5” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Popular deep color; rounded petals. |
Duet | Red with white tips | 5” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Excellent color |
Mystery Day | Deep burgundy with white tips | 5” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Elegant, slightly pointed petals. Nicely formed flower heads. |
Blue Bell | Purple blue | 5” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Best dahlia! |
Bonesta | White with rose veins | 5” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Stunning presentation |
Dinnerplate: The following is only a sample of our many varieties
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Babylon Purple | Medium purple | up to 10” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Large, well-formed blooms. |
Big Wow | Wine red | up to 10” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Clear green leaves; pointed petals. |
Fleur | Pure white | up to 10” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | White |
Grand Prix | Yellow with white tips. | up to 10” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Incurved petals give interesting texture. |
Café au Lait | Creamy mocha | up to 10” | 40” | 3” deep/12” apart | Beautiful in fall arrangements. |
Gallery: A shorter variety excellent for pot, container and garden.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Art Fair | white; greenish yellow center | 3” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Excellent for fall pot displays. |
Cezanne | Yellow | 3” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Clear, vibrant yellow. |
Singer | Deep red | 3” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Good flower form. |
Giant Ball: Rounded, Multi-Headed Flowers.
Variety | Colour | Bloom Size | Height | Planting Depth/Spacing | Features |
Babette | Lavender pink | 5”-6” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Deep color. |
Belinda Pink | Soft rose pink | 5”-6” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Charming in summer arrangements. |
Evelyn | White with lavender tips. | 5”-6” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Bloom in abundance over a long period. |
Marble Ball | white with purple streaks | 5”-6” | 12” | 3” deep/12” apart | Pristine. |

Cactus: Long narrow petals give a starburst cactus-like appearance.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Black Cat | Dark Maroon | 5”-6” | 20”- 50” | 3” deep/12” apart | Excellent garden or border plant. |
Fire Bird | Fiery red; gold center | 5”-6” | 20”- 50” | 3” deep/12” apart | Tall, striking plant. |
Mixed Peppermint | White with rose streaks | 5”-6” | 20”- 50” | 3” deep/12” apart | Extra large flower heads up to 8”. |
Red Pygmy | Blood Red | 5”-6” | 20”- 50” | 3” deep/12” apart | Border type at around 1.5 feet tall. |
Powder Puff: A new class of Dahlias with soft, multi-petalled rounded center.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Blue Bayou | Double purple | 6”-10” | 24”- 36” | 3” deep/12” apart | Interesting color |
Lambada | Soft rose petals, creamy white center | 6”-10” | 24”- 36” | 3” deep/12” apart | Similar appearance to Scabiosa |
River Dance | Red flowers | 6”-10” | 24”- 36” | 3” deep/12” apart | Exclusive to independent garden centers. |
Waterlily: Similar in appearance to waterlily flowers.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Le Castel | White | 4”-5” | 40”- 45” | 3” deep/12” apart | Traditional color |
Sam Hughes | Dark maroon | 4”-5” | 40”- 45” | 3” deep/12” apart | Beautiful when paired with yellow. |
Sympathy | Buttercup yellow | 4”-5” | 40”- 45” | 3” deep/12” apart | Blends with summer color palettes |
Impression: Single bloom with a contrasting ruff.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Famoso | Sunny yellow | 3” | 24” | 3” deep/12” apart | Solid, strong yellow |
Fantastico | Cherry red with white ruff | 3” | 24” | 3” deep/12” apart | Red and white compliment each other |
Festivo | Scarlet with gold | 3” | 24” | 3” deep/12” apart | Nice impact |
Border: Shorter plants that grow without staking.
Variety | Colour | Bloom size | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
Bluesette | Purple and pink | 4”-5” | 24” | 3” deep/12” apart | Unusual color combination |
Extase | Salmon and gold | 4”-5” | 24” | 3” deep/12” apart | Pink and yellow compliment each other |

Variety | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
ORCHID | up to 24” | 6”/6” | Smaller delicate blossoms; best planted in clumps. |
Types available: Charm, Prins Klaus, Charming Beauty, and Elvira in shades from white to deep pink. | |||
LANDSCAPE | 36”-42” | 6”/6” | Need no staking; perfect for small-scale gardens. |
Types available: Coral Seas (soft coral); Award (pink); Florida (yellow with red blotch); High Seas (lavender) Land O’ Lakes (magenta with white stripes); Norseman (brilliant red); Sunbold (golden yellow); White Wings (white) |
POPULAR VARIETIES | 48”-60” | 6”/6” | Excellent cut flowers with large blossoms. |
Types available: Glowing Orange; Golden Yellow; Snow White; Vibrant Red; Deep Red; Light Yellow; Peach Parfait; Rosy Pink; Lavender & White; Pink & Red; White & Red; Yellow & Red |
DUTCH HYBRIDS | 48” | 6”/6” | Extra-large corms; unique colors. |
Types available: Flevo Eyes (white with raspberry blotch); Don Juan (raspberry red with white throat); Flevo Safari (Crimson with white brushmark); many more varieties available. |
CALIFORNIA NOVELTY GLADS | 48” | 6”/6” | Large flowers in unusual colors. |
Types available: Airborne (rich royal purple); Cloud Nine (begonia pink); Great Lakes (light blue); Mr. Lincoln (rich dark red); Green with Envy (green); Popcorn (pale yellow with cream edge). |

Variety | Height | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
ASIATIC | 36”-48” | 6”-10”/12” | Reliably hardy; earliest of the lilies to come into bloom. |
Types available: Pair of Giraffes ( orange with red spots); Chianti (vintage pink); La Toya (magenta purple); Marseilles (pretty pink & white); many more varieties available! |
ASIATIC PIXIE | 12” | 6”-10”/12” | Can be used as an annual when planted in pots Great in perennial garden. |
Types available: Butter Pixie (primrose yellow); Crimson Pixie (bright red); Denia (soft cherry pink); Orange Pixie (orange) | |||
ORIENTAL | up to 48” | 6”-10”/12” | Large, beautifully fragrant flowers; full sun to part shade. Favorite of florists; usually the last to bloom. |
Types available: Arena (Huge white flowers with yellow markings); Cascablanca (white); Tom Pounce (pink petals with white) Starfighter (wine red edged in white with burgundy spotting); Stargazer ( bright red to pink with white margins) |
FAIRDALE HYBRID DWARF ORIENTAL LILIES | 18” | 6”-10”/12” | Good for pot culture; very fragrant |
Types available: Gold Nymph: (white petals with yellow stripes and spots); Pink Nymph (pink with dark pink spots); Red Nymph: (pink petals with white edges an dark pink stripes); Silver Nymph (bright silvery white) |
TRUMPET | 36”-48” | 6”-10”/12” | Large trumpet shaped fragrant flowers. Tolerates partial shade. Regal’ does well in Calgary area. |
Types available Golden Splendour (yellow); Pink Perfection (pink); African Queen (yellow with garnet brown markings);Regal (white with maroon) |
L.A. HYBRIDS | 40” | 6”-10”/12” | Combine the best features of asiatics with longiflorums Large waxy flowers; subtle fragrance. |
Types available: Fangio (dark pink); Rodeo (clear pink with fuschia tips); Royal Perfume (deep fiery red) | |||
TIGER | 36” | 6”-10”/12” | Garden favorites since Victorian times; very easy to grow. Broad, slightly recurved petals dotted with black spots. |
Types available: Tigrinium Splendens (gleaming salmon orange); Tigrinium Rose (rich pink with black dots); Yellow Star (buttery yellow with black dots); Sweet Surrender (white flowers with maroon dots) |
OTHER: | |||
Lilium Citronella | 36”-48” | 6”-10”/12” | Lemon yellow with dark brown spots |
Lilium Rubrum | 36”-48” | 6”-10”/12” | White and pink |
Lilium Tenufolium | 36”-48” | 6”-10”/12” | Red and orange |

Variety | Colour | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
ACIDANTHERA BICOLOR MURILAE | White with purple blotch at throat. | 3” deep/ 6” apart | Similar to gladioli, having sword-shaped leaves and flower spikes. Originally from high mountain regions of East Africa. |
ANEMONE | White, lavender, blue pink, or purple | 3” deep/ 6” apart | Soak tubers overnight then plant in partially shaded moist area. Many varieties |
BABIANA | Violet, blue, and red | 2” deep/ 2” apart | Flowers similar to freesias; leaves and stems are hairy. Common name is ‘Baboon Root’. |
BLETILLA STRIATA | White, blue, pink, amethyst red, purple | 1” deep/ 4” apart | Terrestrial orchid; grow outside in hanging baskets in sum mer. Originally from Asia; common name is ‘Chinese Ground Orchid’ |
BRODIAEA SPECIES | Lavender | 4” apart | Funnel-shaped flowers and narrow leaves; needs full sun. Flowers after the leaves die down. |
CALADIUM | No flowers but brilliant leaf color | 2” deep/ 4” apart | Leaf colors in shades of green, white, red, and pink with obvious veins. Leaves hate wind – plant in a partially shaded, moist,sheltered area. |
CALLA LILY (ZANTEDESCHIA SPECIES) | White, pink, yellow, rust, various colors | 4” deep/ 16” apart | Flower bract surrounds central spike covering small, true flowers. Requires full sun, heavy watering, acid soil, and good drainage. |
CANNA | Orange, red, pink, or yellow | 3” deep/ 18”-36” apart | Large, dramatic feature at the back of a perennial bed. Canna will bloom longer if dead flowers are removed. |
CHILDANTHUS FRAGRANS | Yellow | 1” deep/ 4” apart | Fragrant, lily-like flowers in a cluster at the top of a stem. Prefers full sun; long-lasting as a cut flower. |
COLOCASIA (ELEPHANT EARS) | NA | 2”-3” deep/ 3’ apart | Grown as an ornamental for its large leaves. Plant in partial shade in moist or wet soil near ponds. |
CROCOSMIA CROCOSMIFLORA | Deep orange | 2” deep/ 4” apart | Flowers on long branched stems with sword-shaped leaves. Flower spikes make attractive, long-lasting cut flowers. |

Variety | Colour | Planting Depth/ Spacing | Features |
EUCOMIS SPECIES | Greenish-white | barely covered/ 6” apart | Common name is ‘Pineapple Lily’; 2’ high flower spike with small star-shaped flowers topped with bracts resembling a pineapple. |
GALTONIA CANDICANS | White | 6” deep/ 8” apart | Tall spike with fragrant, bell-shaped flowers. Likes warm spots in the garden; common name: ‘Summer Hyacinth’ |
GLORIOSA ROTHSCHILDIANA | Red & yellow | 2” deep/ one per 6” pot | Tuberous, climbing plant with tendrils on leaves for support. Prefers cool roots and moist soil. Climbs up to 6 feet tall. |
HOMERIA COLLINA | Yellow or peach | 3” deep/ 4” apart | 2”, cup-shaped, fragrant flowers last only a day but stems have many buds opening in succession needing full sun. |
HYMENOCALLIS | Creamy white | barely covered/ 8” apart | Fragrant, spider-like flowers hence the common name ‘Spider Lily’. Best suited to a sunny spot – one plant per 5” pot. |
IXIA HYBRIDA | Pink, yellow, red, orange, cream, white | 3” deep/ 2-3” apart | Long-lasting flowers make excellent cut flowers. Needs full sun; also known as ‘African Corn Lily’. |
NERINE | Pink | Barely covered/ 8” apart | Funnel-shaped flowers with six spreading segments at tips. Needs full sun and ample water. |
POLIANTHES TUBEROS | White | barely covered/ 5” | Waxy tubular flowers have a powerful fragrance. Single and double forms available; full sun & good drainage. |
RANUNCULUS ASIATICUS | White, red, pink, gold, range,bronze,picotte | 1”-2” deep/ 3” apart | Requires full sun, and good drainage; several blooms on each stem. Soak corms for an hour before planting. |
SPARAXIS TRICOLOR | Yellow, pink, purple,red, or white | 2” deep/ 2”-3” apart | Small funnel-shaped flowers in spike-like clusters. Full sun, good drainage, keep on the dry side. |
SPREKELIA FORMOSISSIMA | Crimson | 2” deep/ 2”-3” apart | Spectacular 5” flowers resemble a waxy orchid. Full sun, ample water, and good drainage required. |
TIGRIDIA PAVONIA | Orange, yellow, rose, crimson, scarlet | barely covered/ 6” apart | Most large cup-shaped flowers are bi-coloured with spots. Leaves form a pleated fan; full sun & good drainage required. |
ZEPHYRANTHES CANDIDA | Pink, white | 4” deep/ 3” apart | Crocus-shaped flower with needle-like foliage. |

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